Sunday, December 12, 2010


I used a lot of references, not in the actual documentation, but in my information collection. However the biggest source of information were interviews with the slumdwellers, and even more resourceful were the CHWs. So most of this list were books, journals, brochures and web documents I consulted as a sort of background. However I did not directly quote most of them in my documentation.

  • Chetna. “Gender & Women’s Health”, “Anaemia, Health of Women in Indian Families”, “Women & HIV/AIDS”, “Violence and Health”, “Breast Cancer”, “Training for Women’s Health & Empowerment”, “Panchayati Raj and Women’s Health”, “Indigenous Health & Healing practices”, “Mahilaon ka Manasik evam Bhavnatmak Swaasthay” Ahmedabad. October 2008. A set of brochures. Language: Hindi.
  • Chetna. “Surakshit Prasav” Ahmedabad. Language: Hindi.
  • Chetna. “Swaasthay Dekhbhaal aur Sevaaen Praapt Karna....” Ahmedabad. October 2008. Language: Hindi.
  • “India: Urban Poverty Report”. United Nations Development Programme. Web. . 2009.
  • International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and Macro International. 2008. “National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3), India, 2005-06: Gujarat”. Mumbai: IIPS.
  • Murthy L., Kagal A., Chatterjee A. “Learning from the Field, Experiences in Communication”, UNFPA, NID (National Institute of Design), July 2000.
  • Murthy Lakshmi. Vikalp Design. Web. 17 Mar. 2010.
  • Sanchetana. “Angst: Theirs and Ours; Domestic Violence: an epidemic on the upsurge”. Ahmedabad. January 2001.
  • Sanchetana. “At a New Threshold” Annual Review. Ahmedabad. 2003.
  • Sanchetana. “Reproductive Health Program” Ahmedabad. 2005-2007. 
  • Sanchetana. “Why Some Men Beat their Wives?” Ahmedabad. 2003.
  • Stoltzfus, Rebecca J., and Michele L. Dreyfus. “Guidelines for the Use of Iron Supplements to Prevent and Treat Iron Deficiency Anemia.” World Health Organization (WHO), International Nutritional Anemia Consultative Group (INACG), 1998. Web. 01 Apr. 2010.
  • WHO Regional Office for the South-East Asia. “Adolescent Nutrition: a Review of the Situation in Selected South-East Asian Countries.” World Health Organization (WHO), 2006. Web. 01 Apr. 2010. .
  • IUPR (India: Urban Poverty Report) Published by United Nations Development Programme, 2009,